Ethnographic solutions to inequalities in South Asian Advice Ecosystems
Why advice?
"The provision of advice to people setting up small businesses –
microenterprises, family firms, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) – is an important yet rarely explored aspect of economic development in South Asia. Who provides advice? Who gets access and who is excluded? Is the advice provided actually useful?
Using an ethnographic approach, our project takes a closer look at the evolving 'landscapes of advice' in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and using the insights gained, aims to work with our partners to build ideas that can inform more effective and inclusive modes of advising."
Featured Resource

What does good advice look and feel like? What could be improved to address the longstanding and emerging inequalities in the advice ecosystems? We asked practitioners in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and consolidated their suggestions to prepare these 10 principles of good advice. You can download the poster below.

Voices from stakeholders engaged in the advice ecosystem
In Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, we interviewed advice givers, advice receivers, and other intermediaries who are involved in the advice ecosystem in various capacities. Watch short clips from our interviews to hear their stories and thoughts on different aspects of advice.